Brush the Bricks, a Mural Movement is an effort by multiple organizations to transform blank canvases, our buildings, into spectacular, world-class artwork that invigorates tourism and community pride.

Project 01
S& W Supply Warehouse
311 E 8th Street
Title: "The Three Amigos"
Artist Dennis Schiel
Project 02
State Glass
421 Main Street
Artist Matthew Miller

Project 03
The Arc of Central Plains #1
Artist Dennis Schiel.
Project 04
Framed Vinyl Installations
12 framed Vinyl pieces will be installed in various locations to honor Hays legends such as Pete Felten Michael Jilg, and John Cody,

Project 05
Sake2Me Sushi
Artist TBD
Projected start date: Spring 2022

Project 06
The Golden-Q
Artist Dennis Schiel
Project 07
Midland Marketing
Artist YOU! This will be a community project!
Projected start date: Summer 2022

Project 08
Metal Relief Sculptures
Artist Pending
Cut out by North Central Kansas Technical College
Projected start date: Ongoing
Project Partners